Transmission #1 | Introductions

Ice-breakers are awkward. Hi. We’re Interactive Tragedy, Limited. We’re a computer game company, but honestly, we’d really just like to talk about our feelings. And we’ve got a lot of them today, since we’re announcing... ourselves.

We come from all over the world, but most of us are in Wellington, New Zealand now. We have special connections to Finland. We’ve worked on books and comics and tv shows together. And now, we’re making games...

Sub-Verge is the first! It’s an underwater puzzle you’ve got to talk your way out of—the story is the game, so you’ve got to really understand the characters and pit them against each other to achieve your ends. Which should be: escaping your claustrophobic submersible. There’s an underwater creature with a secret in its jelly-sac. It’s just bizarre enough that Pantaloon, an excellent newsletter-turned-publisher, in the UK has agreed to release it into an unsuspecting world, and we feel grateful about that. A big feeling.

Other feelings have to do with Kuu, an atmospheric moonbase manager that we’ve been laboring at for some time, trying to get the ecosystem of game and story to live in harmony, hoping to avoid the schismogenesis that collapsed Biosphere 2, our beautiful failure of an inspiration. You can wishlist that game now, and if you’re at GDC, we’ll endeavor to get over any shyness and show you our work-in-progress.

We’re out of the hiding hole. As soon as our eyes adjust to the light, we promise more eye contact and more announcements and stories to come over the next few months. You can sign up for Sub-Verge updates here, with an option to choose your allegiance, bestowing you with a unique and exclusive Discord Role.

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